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The Yeti says "If it ain't broke don't fix it!"

Many people don't understand how evolution works. They think it's a process of radical and absolute change. But it's not! Quite the contrary in fact. In nature, some of the best beasts in the business have hardly changed a jot over hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of years.

Think the crocodile, the shark, the playtypus and, of course, the Yeti. These species represent the ultimate examples of evolution at work. They are everything they need to be, and nothing they do not.

They completely and utterly epitomize the fundamental philosophy: "If it ain't broke don't fix it."

Could the same philosophy be applied to the evolution of the ultimate dirt bike?

If you ask a Yeti, he will say "'kin oath it can!"

A Yeti and a KTM 300 XC both in their natural habitat.
A Yeti and a KTM 300 XC both in their natural habitat.

Described as being a large, bipedal ape-like creature covered with brown and grey and white hair, and having large, sharp teeth, the Yeti (known amongst his clan as Craig Shaw) is 6'4" (193cm), weighs 246 lbs (112kg) and has been observed in various habitats between the coastal margins of Australind and the mountainous country around Mildwood and MounTurner.

Developing and steering the evolution of the W.A. Hard Enduro scene since 2020 the Yeti knows a thing or two about how to build a dirt bike. And, as it happens, his fundamental build philosophy is "Make a bike that is everything it needs to be and is nothing that it does not."

Now, I'll apologise in advance for what follows because, although the content is sound, the prose has been severely compromised. That is because Yetis are notoriously difficult to communicate with. Their dialect and modes of communication comprise only simple snorts and groans, gestures and rudimentary drawings.

Nevertheless, I have persisted and following is an incredible inventory of what you need to make your ride the ultimate do-it-all bike. A bike that can do (sic Craig Shaw) "fast AF singles, launch MX jumps, casually (& comfortably) ride all-day & is definitely decent in HE terrain to boot."

Following the principle of "if it ain't broke" Shawry, together with the crew from Bunbury KTM, has "..only put the best stuff on it I could find/knew that it worked. No useless bling or unnecessary junk."

When I asked, "Why'd you do it?" the answer was sprayed back at me vigorously, accompanied by a cloud of phlegm and carrion.

"I was sick of seeing pus bike 'builds' where they just put a few bolt-on bling parts & a graphics kit & say its custom. Putting a bling set of foot pegs on is wank. I don't swap shit out unless it improves performance/longevity/reliability. Stock is pretty good these days, so if you are going bolt something on you'd wanna have a good reason"

Shawry says "Doubt there's another 300 XC in Australia as well specced as mine TBH. I was granted access into Bunbury KTM's workshop to put it together plus had all their techs available for input & Shep (Wade Shephard) on suspension! Daimon Mackean on the TSP side of things too. 'kin amazing crew of people in there, led by Sander."

Those that make the magic happen - Bunbury KTM's (left to right) Adam, Stuey, Wade, Jordan and Sander Taber.
Those that make the magic happen - Bunbury KTM's (left to right) Adam, Stuey, Wade, Jordan and Sander Taber.

"Best production 2T motor ever made IMO (& several others). SOOOO much power but also very usable with the right mods. Makes ya smile like an idiot & giggle every time ya ride it!" 

If you read this and you want one.....
If you read this and you want one.....

Having survived undetected in the scrub for thousands of years, you'd imagine the average Yeti is pretty methodical. Craig Shaw is no different and he has laid out the build below from front to back and top to bottom.

This is a dirt bike that, like him, represents the pinnacle of evolution so let us take a closer look.

Actually, before we get started let's deal with the elephant in the room! Everyone reading this is immediately going to jump on the XC stator issue. For Hard Enduro it is a problem for any rider that can't keep the crank turning; we all know that.

Shawry says "I haven't killed my battery once doing HE stuff during the day. Struggles with a headlight on though. They're very low output (about 35W at idle & 70W at high revs from memory). If ya running a headlight & fan doing low rev riding, then beware!"

"I've had the stator rewound locally for slightly higher output at low revs. Personally, haven't had any issues during the day with fan running consistently but have killed the battery a few times doing HE night rides trying out different fans & headlights. I believe you can swap the entire EXC set-up into the XC but it's about $1500 to do so yeah, nah at this point in time."

"Being conscious of starter use & turning the headlight/fan off when bike's not running should see ya in good stead. General trail riding at night with a headlight on & intermittent fan activation is no probs."

"KTM need to sort this issue out as it's the only major drawback of the bikes."

Hard Enduro or hard Enduro. The stator is good enough.
Hard Enduro or hard Enduro. The stator is good enough.

Nuff said, now let's move on. We'll begin with the bits that make it start, stop, flash and groan.


Anyone that is familiar with seeing their bike airborne AND upside down is also familiar with the headache of a busted throttle housing early in a race or way out on some distant trail. It's a bit of your bike that seriously needs a rethink and, fortunately, it seems that Force Accessories have re-thunk it!

Craig has swept more Hard Enduro races than most people have hot dinners and has "Seen too many of the cast ally OEM ones fail after minor crashes. They crack, bend & snap. The billet ones are not cheap but a metric shitload better than trying to ride out of the bush whilst pulling ya throttle cable like a puppet master." The stock unit was one of the first things to go in the spares bin.

When you flip it, you need to still be able to Twist it. And it comes in a variety of colours.
When you flip it, you need to still be able to Twist it. And it comes in a variety of colours.

On the rest of the cockpit it's "mostly personal preference but one non-negotiable for me is the start/stop switch being on the left. Stuck precariously on a shitty hill whilst trying to simultaneously hold the front brake, give it a little throttle (& not a whole lotta throttle!) & hit the starter button with ya thumb isn't a good time. I'll fight anyone who says otherwise!"

With arms like a couple of Franna booms, have you ever wondered how a Yeti manipulates its prey?

"Bars need to be nice & low/flat with plenty of real estate for start/stop, fan, map & headlight switches. I have separate start/stop switches for when I inevitably kill the OEM switch. Get ya bars in neutral position (in line with fork) but bar clamp in forward mounting position for a little extra cockpit room."

"Stock grips, throttle cam, levers & handguards are good (for flag-type handguards anyway). Stock barpad is massive & too in ya face for my liking. Makes it feel cramped. I run the older KTM small bar pad. Have ya lever perches a fair way in on the bar for maximum throw of clutch & front brake. One-finger affairs!"

"I've got the Acerbis VSL headlight. Turns night into day but they do draw big power (46-48W from memory)." (Ed) Considering the stator issues, I am guessing this is only going to go on for longer weekend trail rides.

Starter on the right is an evolutionary dead end. Dress to the left people.
Starter on the right is an evolutionary dead end! Dress to the left people.

Wanna argue flags vs. wraparounds with the Yeti? Good luck with that!

How the flag vs wraps argument will end.
How the flag vs wraps argument will end.

"I have Cycra wraparound handguards to go on as I crash a lot. And no, I don't care about ya mate's mate's dad's uncle who supposedly broke his wrists from wraparound handguards when he went OTB. I've seen some seriously mangled fingers from using flag-type handguards & attempting to digitally molest a tree. Not to mention busted master cylinders/levers etc. ending a ride. When someone's wiping my arse for me cause I have 2 broken wrists ya can all say I told ya so. Until then, wraparounds for me!"

Let's compare the pair shall we - flags vs wraps.
Let's compare the pair shall we - flags vs wraps.

When you are pushing 246 pounds of meat, mange and lice around the bush a lot of how far you go is going to come down to how good your suspension is. And it seems that this is where Craig Shaw is willing to hand the ride over to a higher evolutionary being.


"New closed-cartridge fork is good. Stock spring rate (being the XC model it has fairly firm springs in it) is pretty much on the money for my weight/riding. Stock valving seems decent but will get Shep at Bunbury KTM to wave his magic wand on em at service time (that's precisely the time when the seals start leaking!)."

Who is "Shep" you ask?

"Wade Shephard. Bunbury KTM's (Australian KTM Dealer of the Year) leading tech & probably the best suspension bloke in WA. He's a legit f$%@#$g great bloke & gun tech. He can ride MX like f@#% & pretty handy in the bush too! Lives & breathes dirtbikes. He's a f$%@#$g guru & very efficient at what he does. Any bike shop would kill to have him on staff!"

Ben Lovett Photograhy captures Wade: As good on the bike as off.
Ben Lovett Photograhy captures Wade: As good on the bike as off.

When complimenting a genius, far be it from me to filter praise. So, after scrubbing the Yeti's potty mouth, we can get back to the bike and deal with some other essentials up the front end.

"KTM Power Parts front pull strap for when I run out of talent." TBH Craig would have fitted the Hand-wrapped Nylon Dog Collar Shawry Front Pull-strap Special if he had a choice. But Sander refused to sell him the bike if THAT aftermarket accessory had any chance of making it to the red-carpet reveal.

"Acerbis X-Brake front disc guard for a little bit of protection for the disc & more so the caliper. ProTech full-wrap fork guards; cause replacing fork stanchions isn't cheap!" No mistaking that - in normal trail riding standard fork guards protect you when you are moving forward. But in Hard Enduro your bike spends a lot of time bouncing backwards down slopes and hitting sticky-outy rocks that clip the back of your stanchions helping your fork fluid with some premature ejaculation.

"Dunlop mousse in stock MX33 front tyre. They're OK but the MX34 tyre is far better IMO. The stocker is good enough to use up through summer though."

Front end fetish.
Front end fetish.

Getting into the heart of this bike, it starts to get emotional which can sometimes compromise evolutionary success. But science is never certain, so....

"Two Stroke Performance Power Valve Cover. Adds a bit more low-mid grunt. Well designed & manufactured with lots of R&D gone into it like all TSP products. It's not a new idea by any means but probably the most tuned/developed oversized power valve cover there is!"

"TSP medium-compression head & ERM. The best there is! Aussie as a dead dog's eye with dead horse! Stock 25 mapping is a far cry from the 23s (actually very good) but the TSP maps are next-level."


"OEM KTM fan kit. Runs direct off the battery due to the lack of a wiring harness on the XCs. Easy to fit, adjustable temperature actuation & the temperature is regulated by a probe in the radiator. Hundreds of trouble-free hours on these. Get the KTM-branded digital display, and don't piss around with other types! Tried a couple of 15W fans instead of the OEM 30W Spal one but it's a false economy as the fan works twice as long & doesn't cool as good. The Spal 30W fan kicks arse for cooling. You were right (Peter) Mountain!"


"NGK BR8EIX iridium plug replaces stock BR8ES which gets chucked in the backpack as a spare. Seem to run better with iridium but I've used both previously. Personal choice."


"Moto Tassinari VForce4X reed cage & petals replace stock KTM stuff. One-piece petal design is stronger & VForce stuff is just better quality. Petals seal better too." 

Bits that make it not go boom.
Bits that make it not go boom.

"Radiator hose T-piece....yep, a good bit of quick fix kit by NiceCNC. I've had one on my previous TBI bike for hundreds of hours without issue & honestly, the Samco or Moto Hose versions are basically exactly the same but 2-3 times the cost! Drug money for a bit of silicone & a piece of ally tubing!"

"It replaces OEM T-piece which incorporates a thermostat. They can fail and/or leak which could be a bad time for ya engine. Really just eliminates a possible failure point & being in WA, they're really not necessary IMO."

If quick and dirty works, then get quick and dirty.
If quick and dirty works, then get quick and dirty.

We know that Yetis know a little bit about grunt so where do they sit on the XC and its power delivery?

"Under the ignition cover is a Steahly 9oz flywheel weight. Makes the lightweight TBI flywheel a lot more tractable & less prone to stalling. Highly recommend!

Adds a little more vibration to the engine I feel (more weight spinning around on the crank) but the tractor-like torque it creates (along with some of the other mods on the bikes like the longer silencer, VFX reeds & TSP parts) & stall resistance makes it well worth it. Doesn't sap overall power but makes the bike a bit more linear/less abrupt off the bottom."


"Ignition Wire Guard. Best $20-$30 you'll spend & takes about 30 seconds to fit! Covers the (.........wait for it......) ignition wires believe it or not!!!!! They're exposed & it's a straight shot through the gap of the header section of the expansion chamber (pipe) for a rock or stick to take 'em out. Game over for a bit if ya damage them!"

Are you staying with me here?
Are you staying with me here?

On the side of the bike where you don't want to stick your fingers and toes, we have a "Stock shifter. Have seen a few snap at the tip but haven't had any issues personally. Generally, carry a spare in me backpack anyway."


"Ally LHS power valve cover protects the actual power valve servo motor assembly. Replaces stock plastic cover for more protection. The power valve assembly is expensive to replace & is somewhat exposed under the tank. Cheap insurance once again. This is a NiceCNC one as my Force Accessories one is still on Sander's personal 300 EXC so I'll have to steal it back off him one day."

You can read into that what you like but I have the Force Accessories one too and my bike is never vertical so I need all the protection I can get.


"KTM 13T front sprocket replaces stock 14T. Makes the gearbox more useful for techy terrain & riding in general. 12T on the new motor/chassis tends to wear the chain slider down rather quickly so stick with the 13T. If you're doing fast paddock-bashing/fast Enduro riding or going for a land speed record then the stock 14:48 gearing is probably fine."


"Enduro Engineering Throttle Body Guard. Replaces plastic guard & protects the Throttle Position Sensor plus covers the injectors somewhat."


As your mother told you before your first date, too much protection is never enough. If you want to get home safely and without baggage then consider a "Case Saver with Injector Shield. Retains the OEM case saver so double protection in case of chain derailment. Completely covers the clutch slave cylinder plus mounts solidly to the ignition cover with 2 out of 3 bolts rather than just the slave itself. The injector shield does exactly that. The injectors & associated wiring (they mount under the throttle body & shoot fuel upwards) on the TBI bikes is somewhat exposed to crash damage but more so sticks/branches taking em out. Would ruin ya day pretty quickly."

Keep your fingers and toes in the vehicle at all times and keep the sticks out.
Keep your fingers and toes in the vehicle at all times and keep the sticks out.

With feet like ham slabs Shawry has earned the word on what's the best footing "Stock pegs are long, wide, grippy AF & tough as trucks! Run 'em! I may try some down/back pegs one day but prefer the ground clearance of the stock pegs. They make the last gen's bike's pegs feel & look like an early 90's KDX's pegs."


"Stock clutch cover replaced with a billet ally one & ally fill cap. Most blokes would've "metal puttied" their way out of the bush at some stage I'd say. (Ed - yup, no shame in adding my name to that list) Self-explanatory. Billet far stronger & slightly more gearbox oil volume. Seen a few plastic filler caps go missing in my time plus one that actually melted, hence the ally one ya can tighten gently with a spanner."

And before you think that Craig Shaw is only singing praises and pissing in the pocket of KTM for some dream works 'Factory' ride, this review is not all cupcakes and rainbows!


"Here's a gripe for ya...the stock brake tip is junk! I believe it's made of a soft Austrian cheese. Possibly a blue vein or Camembert or similar consistency. Put it in ya backpack as a spare or throw it at a Sherco rider. Billet ally replacement FTW! Aaaannn LOCTITE THE MOUNT BOLTS!" A good tip for #nub.

Is your brake lever camembert?
Is your brake lever camembert?

Or is it channeling #Nolzy with some hard Aussie cheddar?
Or is it channeling #Nolzy with some hard Aussie cheddar?

And if you think the Yeti has lost sight of the "if it ain't broke" philosophy, think again.

"Stock pipe. It's good, run it! Same pipe across all the 24+ bikes (SX/XC/EXC). Good all-round pipe that's pretty tough too. Has good ground clearance compared to the previous gen's pipe. Don't waste ya money buying aftermarket ones, keep it for buying fuel, oil & tyres!"


"KTM PowerParts cylinder saver. Only ever seen pictures of broken exhaust spigots/manifolds on cylinders but figure it's pretty cheap insurance & quick/easy to fit." (Ed) I smashed mine on my Beta trying to hop a concrete pipe. What a smelly shit fight that was to deal with.


"Force Accessories radiator guards. Easy to fit & reasonable protection. Enduro Engineering do a set with better side protection to be honest but these still do the job & are easy to fit."

We are all like magpies - attracted to shiny things.
We are all like magpies - attracted to shiny things.

So, we know what is happening up the front end, and we know about the beating heart of this bike. But what about the rest?


"KTM PowerParts Selle Dalla Valle pleated gripper seat. Stock seat cover is ordinary. These things keep ya arse planted when ya need it to be. The PowerParts seat is stock height which is good for HE riding as the taller seat can catch ya out in techy sections I've found. Standard height seat helps ya touch the ground that bit easier. That said, I'm getting the stock seat recovered with higher foam & pleated cover for comfort on long rides. Makes sitting to standing transition easier for a middle-aged bloke with a crook knee."

"EXC silencer. I honestly hate the look of the stock XC shorty silencer plus it's pretty loud when ya up the revs! Longer silencer looks better IMO plus is noticeably quieter & takes away a bit of the snappy nature of the XC. Feels more torquey & doesn't sign off as quick in the upper revs. Again, the stock KTM silencers are good so no need for aftermarket (although the titanium Akropovic looks the shit, but its big bucks you don't need to spend)."


"One-piece rear disc guard. Essential piece of kit. Me, Mackean and Force Accessories have nutted out a few up-specs of kit over the past few years. The bolt-on shark fins that attach to the stock caliper carriers are junk! Picked up numerous ones of 'em on the tracks of WHES & in the bush when they've just broken the carrier & rendered someone's rear brake MIA. The one-piece units are billet ally & replace the entire carrier assembly. Yes, the fins will still bend in towards the disc, but they won't break like the cast ally carriers do."


So what is keeping the rocks out of its guts?

"KTM OEM bashy is decent. Solidly mounted & very tidy/slimline/frame-hugging fitment. Won't save ya frame rails from big impacts, but I've got hundreds of hours on my previous TBI ('23 Husky TX300) with the OEM bashy without issue. KTM linkage guard flap is cheap to buy, bolts on to the OEM bashy very nicely & does a very good job of protecting the linkage from rocks/logs & even keeps a fair bit of mud etc away from the linkage. Again, a must-have for linkage bikes in techy terrain. LOCTITE THE MOUNT BOLTS!"

Not quite 'the end', but the rear end.
Not quite 'the end', but the rear end.

And what sort of footwear does a Yeti choose?

"Stock AT81 tyre with a Dunlop mousse in it for pub rides/normal trail rides. Have a spare set of wheels with soft mousses & gummy tyres for HE rides I just swap between."


And to keep things on the the straight and narrow "TM Designworks chain guide for extra longevity. The stock chain guide is OK & better than the previous generation, but TMD is tougher & last longer."


Just to reiterate that this article is not about top spec, top end, top price bling. It is about what works in real world riding. "Chinese chain guide guard. Have an X-Grip one coming, but for now NiceCNC does the job. Again, the new swingarm is a far cry from the last models as the chain guide mounts are heavily reinforced so the guard isn't really necessary, but it helps protect the swingarm & chain guide from rock gouges."

And finally, what is making the back end go around and around?


"Dirt Tricks 49T rear sprocket. Generally, run 49-50T for trail rides & 52T for HE. Dirt Tricks cro-mo sprockets last forever & look flash! Won't lie to ya, the stock chain is fine. I only put the gold EK X-ring chain on to match the rear sprocket & some bling factor. Oh, the shameless vanity!"

I guess even a Yeti wants to 'frock up' occasionally!

The KTM 300 XC and the Yeti, both no longer a mystery.
The KTM 300 XC and the Yeti, both no longer a mystery.

Well, there you have it folks. A crackin' build from someone I'd argue to be one of the best known muppets in the paddock - Craig Shaw. And not to put too fine a point on it, but after a weekend in the dirt one of his mates has immediately gone out and ordered a similar spec bike from Bunbury KTM.

How does that saying go? "Imitation is the greatest form of flattery".


Go well go Twist!

Yeti and the Beast back at the den cave.
Yeti and the Beast back at the den cave.

Is this the pinnacle of evolution? The ultimate do-it-all dirt bike? Craig Shaw and Bunbury KTM's 2025 KTM 300 XC.
Is this the pinnacle of evolution? The ultimate do-it-all dirt bike? Craig Shaw and Bunbury KTM's 2025 KTM 300 XC.


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